Monday, 8 August 2016

TK Armour Project Part II

All the holes from the removed rivets have been filled with milliput (two part filler) and left 24 hours to harden. Before applying the filler the rear of the section being worked on had thin pieces of card glued to allow the filler to adhere to the holes.
 Once dry the filler is sanded to a flush finish with the orignal profile.
Extra attention should be given to the shoulder braces as these will be clearly visible.

I have also experimented on one of the smaller pieces of the armour (glove plate) with different spray paints. You would be surprised how many shades of white there are, a quick google search will throw up an enourmous amount of chat around this subject. Luckily for me I have a friend who is already 501st approved and has made modifications and repair to his own RT armour. So off to Halfords for 7 - 8 cans of Halfords own brand appliance white spray paint.

Stay tuned for the results.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

TK Armour Project

 So I have decided to attempt to gain acceptance into the 501st. The 501st is a costumed fan based organisation recreating the characters from the STAR WARS universe most of these being the iconic storm troopers in their white armour, helping to raise funds for various good causes whilst on their trooping events under the banner of "BAD GUYS DOING GOOD"

There are many sites where you can purchase the sets of reproduction armour, but the 501st have very stringent rules on acceptance based on the movie accurate representation of the armour. So I was faced with 3 options:

Option 1. Buy a set of ready to wear armour from 1 of the many Internet sites (but where's the fun in that), and these can be very expensive.

Option 2. Buy a kit form set, this will require trimming, forming, gluing, strapping and assembling (not as expensive, but requiring a lot of work)

Option 3. Buy a second hand set of armour and modify and upgrade to current specification.

I decided to go with option 3, and was able to acquire a full set of armour including lid (helmet), under suit and replica E11 blaster. Being an older set of armour it had already previously received 501st status, however it had started to yellow in places and needed some TLC along with a rework on various pieces to bring it up to current 501st status.

This part of my new blog will concentrate on the development and rework that must be done to the armour. So please follow me on this journey towards the dark side of a galaxy far far away.

The armour was collected and had to be stripped down to its component parts and any rivets etc removed, it received a wash to remove any dust etc, as it had been in storage for some time. The main area needing rework are the shoulder straps which are riveted to connect the back and chest plates as well as the ammunition belt also riveted to the white leather under belt. These rivets are no longer acceptable for 501st status.

The photos do not show the yellowing that is quiet visible to the naked eye and although there is a choice to create a sand trooper costume along with the extra weathering, you just can't beat the iconic look of those white glossy guys.

Please stay tuned for following updates.